Thursday, August 1, 2013

Business Opening!

I have taken the leap and started my own photography business.  Needless to say, I am excited!  I owe my love for photography in part,  to my late grandfather, Hack.  When I was a little girl, he bought me a pink camera for Christmas.  Immediately I began taking pictures.  Pictures of everything.  My parents have pictures of Barbie dolls, Cabbage Patch Kids, and quiet a few family pets, in their collection of photos.

I believe pictures are a way to preserve memories.   So, it is my hope that my clients will one day open their family albums, see a photo I took, and smile at those memories.  The same way I smile, when I see what I saw through my lens, as a child. 

So in closing, I say: Welcome to April Berry Photography!  May the Lord bless you with love, happiness, health, and good memories.